Thursday, September 25, 2008

They're gone

Here's some nice white-space to enjoy:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man I hope whomever is responsible for this is happy. There are those of us who have followed Pink and Mr. Pink for a long time and now we have to pay the price for your shittiness. I don't know what went down here to cause this and I don't think I need to know cause I have enough crap in my life to deal with, but just remember karma is a bitch and messing with good people who were only trying to spread some hope and intelligence in the world by sharing their own story is no way to bring on good karma. I think you said it best Mr. Pink when you said... Oh the asshole is a peron in your neighborhood. Apparantly that goes for cyber neighborhoods too. Best wishes to you and your lovely wife and son. I will miss reading about you all.