Saturday, October 04, 2008

Honest to God

Real conversation with Alastair tonight:

We'd been discussing alpacas, since we'd seen them at the State Fair of VA. Amanda or I made some silly comment about having an alpaca, and where it would be kept.

Alastair: He could stay in the FRONT YARD! (he tends to yell his punch lines)
Me: But how could we keep him from going in the road?
Alastair: He could stay in MY ROOM! No no no: that's silly. He could stay in the COMPUTER ROOM! It'd be hard to check your e-mail!

He's two.


Girl With Curious Hair said...

Forgive me as I develop a little crush on Alistair. He's brilliant and wise beyond his years.

Unknown said...

Hey, I had a bunch of alpacas in my closet when I was a teenager... they were very popular as sweaters.

Anonymous said...

Watch out, they spit.

Karen said...

Can I follow you over to your other small piece of internet as well?

JamieSmitten said...

It would be seriously awesome to rent one and put it on the front lawn while he is napping.....